Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge

Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge

Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge encompasses 3.5 million acres and is located in the Koyukuk River’s floodplain, in a basin that stretches from the Yukon River to the Purcell Mountains and the foothills of the Brooks Range. Bears, wolves, lynx, and marten roam this area’s wooded 

Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

Kodiak is a rugged, beautiful island on the coast of southwestern Alaska. Established in 1941, the refuge provides brown bears, salmon, and other wildlife habitat. Kodiak has beautiful mountains, hundreds of miles of shoreline, lakes, marshes, bogs, and meadows. Fjord-like inlets surround four-thousand-foot Mountains. Sedges, 

Cape Krusenstern National Monument

Cape Krusenstern National Monument

Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Kobuk Valley National Park, Noatak National Preserve, and Bering Land Bridge National Preserve together conserve over 11.8 million acres of arctic and subarctic wilderness. The Noatak and Kobuk rivers are two of the finest in all of North America for canoeing 

Aniakchak National Monument Preserve

Aniakchak National Monument Preserve

A visit to the Aniakchak National Monument Preserve will bring home to you just how centrally located Alaska is on the volcanic “Ring of Fire.” This 586,000-acre monument is home to one of the world’s largest calderas and is located on the roadless Alaska Peninsula 

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park preserves the memory of the thrilling Gold Rush era. It spans the states of Alaska and Washington in the USA. In the late 1800s, when gold was still relatively scarce, a large number of individuals flocked to this region. 

Simeonof National Wildlife Refuge

Simeonof National Wildlife Refuge

Simeonof Wilderness can be found in Alaska’s Aleutians East Borough. Simeonof Island, part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, is a traditional sea otter haulout in the Shumagin Island Group. Sea otters can thrive in the abundant marine life of the kelp and eelgrass 

Semidi National Wildlife Refuge

Semidi National Wildlife Refuge

Semidi National Wildlife Refuge is home to various marine animals and birds. The refuge encompasses several islands, including Chisik Island, Duck Island, and the Semidi Islands; it is a rough and lonely region with rocky shorelines, towering mountains, and thick forests. Animals as varied as 

Selawik National Wildlife Refuge

Selawik National Wildlife Refuge

Selawik National Wildlife Refuge can be found east of Kotzebue Sound in far-flung northwest Alaska near the Arctic Circle. The 2,150,000-acre reserve protects a stunning and historically significant area of the Arctic. The refuge is an impressively large area of tundra, spruce woodland, and hillsides 

Saint Lazaria National Wildlife Refuge

Saint Lazaria National Wildlife Refuge

Saint Lazaria National Wildlife Refuge is a protected area on St. Lazaria Island, known for its nesting bird colony and its significance as part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Sitka Sound, south of Kruzof Island, contains it. Tlingit calls the island Kanasx’ée. St. 

Crowley Ridge State Park

Crowley Ridge State Park

Crowley Ridge State Park in northeast Arkansas has rolling hills and forested terrain. Benjamin Crowley, one of the earliest settlers in the neighbourhood, called this place his homestead in the past. The Civilian Conservation Corps laboured in the 1930s to construct the park’s historic log