Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge

Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge

Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge is a separate refuge located in Alaska and is managed independently. It covers an area of approximately 650,000 acres and includes coastal wetlands, forests, and mountains. Visitors can enjoy wildlife viewing, birdwatching, and fishing in this beautiful natural area. Alaska is the only state that contains any of the Wildernesses. The Tuxedni Wilderness was included in the National Wilderness Preservation System in 1970 when it was just a small component of today’s larger system encompassing more than 110 million acres.

Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge

Over a significant portion of Chisik, an understory composed of salmonberry, alder, and other brushy plants produces an impenetrable, wet jungle that fills the few holes in the spruce-hemlock forest. Mount Redoubt and Mount Iliamna, both located inside the Lake Clark Wilderness, are frequently visible from the alpine tundra that can be found at the higher levels.

Things To Do At Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge

Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge offers photography opportunities, allowing you to capture the stunning landscapes and unique wildlife found within the refuge. Wildlife viewing is also popular, offering chances to observe and appreciate the diverse wildlife species in their natural habitat.

Wildlife viewing At Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge

Wildlife viewing at Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge is a captivating activity that allows visitors to observe a diverse range of wildlife in their natural habitat. From brown bears and moose to migratory birds and marine mammals, the refuge is home to various species. Explore the refuge’s trails and lookout points to catch glimpses of these magnificent creatures and learn about their behaviors and ecological significance.

Photography At Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge

Photography at Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge offers shutterbugs the chance to capture stunning images of the refuge’s scenic landscapes and wildlife—frame shots of snow-capped mountains, sparkling lakes, and vibrant wildflowers. Capture the elegance of soaring eagles, playful sea otters, or graceful caribou in their natural surroundings. Whether you’re a professional photographer or enjoy capturing beautiful moments, Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge provides ample opportunities to unleash creativity.

Location:        Alaska, United States

Phone number: (907) 235-6546.

Email:  jennifer_heroux@fws.gov.

Area    4,900,000 acres (20,000 km2)

Established     1980

Tuxedni National Wildlife Refuge


  • Mark Tony

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