Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge is a protected area in Arizona and California, providing habitat for diverse wildlife species and recreational opportunities. This refuge is very important since it contains the last stretch of the river that has yet to be diverted before it enters Mexico. The protected Imperial Reserve Wilderness has an astounding 15,056 acres inside the reserve. The refuge includes Picacho State Recreation Area, a popular recreational destination for boating, hiking, fishing, camping, exploring abandoned mining towns, and animal watching.

This reserve protects 25,768 acres of the lower Colorado River’s diverse species and habitats. The refuge offers several ways to experience and learn about wildlife. The lower Colorado River and its peaceful backwaters provide important water and outdoor recreation. The Imperial National Wildlife Refuge offers adventure, peaceful introspection, and a close-up look at animal-environment cooperation.

Activities At Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

When visiting the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, you’ll find many activities to engage in and explore. Here are three exciting things to do during your visit:

Boating At Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Due to its proximity to the lower Colorado River, the refuge is an excellent destination for people who enjoy being on the water in boats. You can go on a relaxing boat ride, kayak through peaceful backwaters, or paddle out on the water on a paddleboard.

Discover the winding channels of the river while taking in the stunning scenery and getting lost in the peace of the natural environment around you.

Hiking At Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Put on your hiking boots and prepare for an exciting journey through the terrain the refuge offers. Several different routes within the refuge allow visitors to get up close and personal with the flora and fauna of the area. As you go along the pathways, look out for the local flora and fauna and take in the stunning views of the desert. Stay home with your camera to record the breathtaking sights and scenes along the road.

Wildlife Observation At Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

The Imperial National Wildlife Refuge is well-known for having an exceptionally high number of different species. Put on your binoculars and prepare to go on an adventure to see an amazing variety of animals.

The refuge is a shelter for anyone interested in environment and wildlife photography because it is home to a wide variety of animals, including elusive species of birds and desert creatures. Set up a picnic area or choose a spot to watch the birds or the desert’s bighorn sheep.

Location: Imperial County, California, La Paz County, Arizona, Arizona, United States

Phone number: (928) 783-3371


Opens-Closed: 8 am–4 pm

Nearest city:   Martinez Lake, Arizona

Coordinates:  33°0′N 114°30′W


  • Mark Tony

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