Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area

Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area

Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area is a piece forces and is situated 18 miles north of Little Rock, in the vicinity of Mayflower, Arkansas. An area of slow-moving water, such as a marsh, swamp, or river inlet, is called a slough. The interpretative route in this management area is 2.25 miles long, and it wanders through various habitat types, including a forest and a marsh.

The trail is lined with interpretive signs that will assist you in recognizing and gaining additional knowledge about the diverse plant and animal species you will see along the way. There is always something fresh to view at Bell Slough, regardless of the time of year you visit, whether it be migratory ducks, white-tailed deer, amphibians, or reptiles.

Things to do At Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area

Bell Slough Wildlife Management Area offers photographers, wildlife watchers, and hikers beautiful opportunities. Take amazing photos, see wild animals in their natural settings, and have an exciting day of hiking.

Photography At Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area

For those passionate about photography, the Bell Slough Wildlife Management Area is a must-visit destination, as it offers many opportunities to take truly breathtaking pictures.

As a result of the vast range of animals and stunning sceneries that can be found in this area, photographers have the opportunity to capture breathtaking photographs of birds in flight, intricate plant features, and serene natural panoramas.

Wildlife observation At Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area

Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area is a paradise for people who enjoy watching wildlife and want to learn more about it. The region is home to a wide range of unique animals, some of which include mammals, reptiles, and ducks.

Guests get the opportunity to view these animals in the environments in which they were born, thereby enhancing their appreciation for the natural splendor and variety of the local flora and fauna.

Trail At Bell Slough Wildlife Mgmt. Area

Those passionate about the outdoors are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity the Bell Slough Wildlife Management Area trail presents. The trail is in excellent condition and is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, making it an ideal place to go for a stroll at a leisurely pace. You will be able to completely lose yourself in the mesmerizing sights and sounds of the abundant flora and fauna of the area as you make your way along the trail.

Address: Mayflower, AR 72106, United States

Phone: +1 877-967-7577

Area: 2,040 acres


  • Mark Tony

    I'm an avid traveler and storyteller with an insatiable passion for exploring the world's hidden gems. Join me on a virtual journey as I weave tales of cultural immersion, breathtaking landscapes, and the serendipitous moments that make travel an art form. Let's embark on this adventure together, where every page is a new destination discovered.