Big Lake Wildlife Mgmt. Area

Big Lake Wildlife Mgmt. The area is designated for wildlife conservation and management, providing habitat for various species. Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) owns and manages the Big Lake Bottom WMA. Approximately 10 miles southwest of Palestine in Anderson County, you’ll find the 4,071-acre management area along the Trinity River.

The bottomland hardwood habitat of the threatened Post Oak Savannah was the primary motivation for TPWD’s purchase of the land. Currently, 2,870 acres are available for use by the general population. As a result of private property, there are open spaces in the region that is managed. Two different county roads can be used to access it.
Topography Of Big Lake Wildlife Mgmt. Area
River bottoms in the Post Oak Savannah are typical regarding topography, soil types, and vegetation. Unprotected flood basins typically have soils composed of poorly drained clays. The area is prone to shallow, slow-moving floodwaters due to its location in the river’s floodplain and the flatness of the surrounding landscape. The area is inaccessible several times a year for extended durations due to high water or damp soil.

The bottomland environment of mature hardwood timber makes up more than 90% of the management area. More than 450 plant species are recorded in a comprehensive inventory of the vegetation in the management area. White-tailed deer, feral hogs, ducks, mourning doves, fox squirrels, grey squirrels, bobcats, raccoons, skunks, armadillos, coyotes, grey foxes, and a wide variety of reptiles and migratory birds can all be found on Big Lake Bottom WMA.
Location: 2274 Highway 18 Manila, AR 72442
Phone number: (870) 564-2429
Established: August 1915
Area: 12 miles