Columbia Historic State Park

Columbia Historic State Park is a preserved Gold Rush town located in California. It offers visitors a glimpse into the past with its well-preserved buildings, historic artefacts, and interpretive displays, showcasing the rich history of the Gold Rush era. The town’s historic commercial district from the time of the Gold Rush has been preserved and has many places to eat, shop, and stay.

The museum allows guests to experience what life was like in the 1850s in Columbia when gold miners and people in business lived side by side. Visitors can get a feel for what life was like in days gone by by seeing shop owners dressed in historical attire go out to the business in the manner of yesteryear. There are possibilities to go gold panning, ride a more than a century-old stagecoach, and investigate real-running enterprises in Columbia.
Nature programs At Columbia Historic State Park

Tours of the city are given for free on weekends all year long. Professional and volunteer docents were leading the way. Join me at the gallery. Roughly speaking, it takes one hour. Every month on the second Saturday, celebrate the Gold Rush! The day is packed with interactive events and unique displays.
Docents dressed for the era lead activities all over the park. From September to June, students in fourth grade can participate in various specialized school activities aligned with state curriculum requirements.
Museum professionals, including a bucket brigade, lead students through an engaging historical program for an hour. The children then take a short stroll to the historic brick schoolhouse, where they will participate in an 1860s-era educational program lasting one hour.

Address: 11259 Jackson St, Columbia, CA 95310, United States
Opens-Closed: 10 am- 4 pm
Phone Number: +1 209-588-9128
Established: 1945
Management: California State Parks
Area: 110 ha