Gaviota State Park

Gaviota State Park

Gaviota State Park got its name from the Spanish word for seagull, to the Portola Expedition’s alleged killing of a seagull during their 1769 camping trip. Despite the strong winds that blow across it regularly, this park is a popular site for swimming, fishing in the surf, picnicking, and camping. Above the day-use parking lot is a significant railroad bridge built by Southern Pacific and spans Gaviota Creek. This trestle gives the area its name.

Anglers, scuba divers, and surfers utilize a boat hoist on a pier at the beach’s western end to get out into the Santa Barbara Channel. The parking lot doubles as the starting point for a trail network that leads into the park’s more challenging highland areas. Hikers looking for a breathtaking panorama of the coast and the Channel Islands should make the ascent to the summit of Gaviota Peak.

Inside Gaviota State Park

Visitors to Gaviota State Park will be able to handle things to do while they’re there. Thirty-four miles of paths can be found across the park, and they wound their way through the landscape. Hiking, mountain biking, and even horseback riding are just some activities compatible with these pathways. In addition, many picnic areas are spread out over the whole area. You can engage in fishing, swimming, and snorkelling all along the beach. Windsurfing and visiting the area’s many natural attractions, such as Gaviota Peak and the natural hot springs, are two of the most popular things to do here.

Gaviota State Park Trails

Gaviota State Park’s Overlook and Hollister Trails offer breathtaking vistas from the seashore to the wilderness. Views of Gaviota Pass and the Pacific Ocean may be from the park’s picturesque meadows dotted with oak trees. Along a 250-mile stretch of Highway 101, the only place to stop for public facilities is the Caltrans rest facility at Gaviota Pass. Despite its natural beauty and historical value, many drivers go past it without ever noticing it. Take advantage of hiking the park’s trails and taking in the breathtaking views from Gaviota Pass.

Gaviota State Park Camping

Approximately 33 miles northwest of Santa Barbara, you’ll find the coastal campground of Gaviota State Park. The Gaviota State Park campgrounds are located a short distance inland along Gaviota Creek, almost in the shade of an overhead railroad trestle. Parkgoers and beachgoers can cast their lines off the pier and bask in the sun within earshot of the crashing waves.

The pier is equipped with a boat hoist to facilitate the launching of watercraft of varying sizes. The wind can be a problem at this campground, especially for tents that need better staked down. Campers with recreational vehicles and trailers don’t appear to worry.

Gaviota State Park Fishing

Gaviota State Park is great for anglers to indulge in their passion. The park’s location near the Pacific Ocean makes it an ideal angler spot. Anglers can cast a line from the coast or go out into deeper waters for various fish species. Surfers, halibut, rockfish, and even salmon are common catches. Before fishing in the park, ensure you know the rules and have the proper permits. Take a day off, pack up your fishing gear, and head to Gaviota State Park, where you can enjoy the serenity of the ocean and the excitement of reeling in a big catch.

Location:        Santa Barbara County, California, United States

Phone number: 805-968-1033


Coordinates:  34°29′25″N 120°13′45″W

Area: 2,787 acres (11.28 km2)

Established:   1953

Management: California Department of Parks and Recreation


  • Mark Tony

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