Jackson State Forest

Jackson State Forest is a forested area located in Mendocino County, California. It offers opportunities for hiking, camping, and exploring the natural beauty of the region. Jackson is the biggest of the eight experimental state forests that CAL FIRE takes care of. Fort Bragg is in the middle of the coastal redwood area of California. It is on the western edge of Mendocino County. Industrial cutting began in the area in 1862 until 1947 the State bought the land. Today, more trees grow every year than are cut down.

Although coast redwoods comprise most of the forest’s tree population, other species such as Douglas fir, grand fir, hemlock, bishop pine, tanoak, alder, Madrone, and bay myrtle may also be found there. The State of California is home to a forest known as the Jackson State Forest. CAL FIRE is a division of the State Agency of California tasked with forest management and fire prevention operation of this facility.
Mushroom harvesting At Jackson State Forest

Foragers can explore Jackson State Forest and collect a wide variety of mushroom species while they are there to harvest mushrooms from the forest. It is essential to get the required licenses and to adhere to the rules and regulations established by forest management to guarantee the implementation of harvesting methods that are both sustainable and responsible.
Hiking At Jackson State Forest
Hiking at Jackson State Forest gives those who have a passion for the outdoors the opportunity to experience the stunning natural surroundings of the forest fully. Hikers can explore the varied landscapes, take in the serene settings, and learn about the flora and wildlife that live inside the forest thanks to the network of available paths.
It protects the natural integrity of the forest, and it is critical to stay on marked trails, pay attention to and abide by any closures or limitations, and act following the Leave No Trace principles.
Trails At Jackson State Forest
What makes the redwood forest unique in terms of ecology, history, and management is all explained in detail along three demonstration paths. Many hiking paths, Waterfall Grove Trail, Forest History Trail, and other trails, are located in ecologically and historically significant areas.
Camping, hiking, biking, equestrian riding, swimming, and picnics are some recreational opportunities. We sell forest maps at our Fort Bragg office.
Camping At Jackson State Forest
Midway through May through the end of September, weather permitting, camping is available. You can choose from various campsites, including horse campers, in either of the two main overnight camping areas. Dispersed camping is prohibited, and camping is only permitted in specific areas.
Self-registration stations collect camping fees directly from campers. Spending on recreation infrastructure, such as campgrounds, facilities, signs, roads, trails, etc., will be supported by camping fees. Pit toilets, fire rings, and picnic tables can all be found at campsites. Campers are allowed to scavenge fallen trees for use in their fire pits. Campsites and day-use zones do not have access to water. We welcome well-behaved, leashed pets.
Hunting At Jackson State Forest

During the appropriate hunting seasons, hunters are welcome in Jackson State Forest. However, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has banned fishing in the area. Permission is required before anyone can cut firewood or gather mushrooms.
Hunters and other visitors to the forest must follow the laws and regulations set forth by the forest management. For more details and updates on hunting seasons, permit requirements, and regulations, hunters should contact forest management or regulatory agencies.
Address: 802 N Main St, Fort Bragg, CA 95437, United States
Open: 24 hours
Phone: +1 707-964-5674