Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge

Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge

Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge, situated in Crittenden County, Arkansas, roughly 20 miles to the north-northwest of Memphis, Tennessee, was established in 1961. Its primary purpose is to provide a safe sanctuary for migrating and overwintering waterfowl. In 1886, the Wapanocca Outing Club began meeting there long before the preserve was established. In terms of hunting clubs, this was among the oldest and most illustrious.

The club set aside the vast portion of the lake as a wildlife sanctuary to safeguard ducks. The sanctuary now serves as a veritable wildlife oasis amid a sea of farmland. Land used for agriculture, open water, flooded cypress and willow swamp, bottomland hardwood forest, and the early stage of replanting of hardwoods all make up this swamp and contribute to the region’s remarkable diversity of habitat types.

Attracting Waterfowl To Wapanocca NWR

Thirty little field impoundments on 190 acres attract waterfowl to the agricultural region. The refuge is a key resting place for birds travelling long distances and a winter habitat for ducks due to its central location in the Mississippi Flyway and its varied habitat.

You can find nesting eagles, herons, egrets, and even anhingas on the refuge. Wapanocca Lake, at 600 acres, has seen a reduction in fisheries since the loss of its primary water source, although it continues to draw in large numbers of waterfowl.

Nature Of Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge

Ensure that wintering migratory waterfowl and native biological communities have access to sufficient food and suitable habitat; refuge management focuses on Wapanocca Lake and the surrounding bottomland hardwood and clears agricultural lands. Predation on forest-dwelling neotropical birds has been reduced by replanting agricultural fields when practicable. Water birds, shorebirds, and ducks benefit from seasonal adjustments to the water level in impoundments. Each year, some 200 nesting boxes for wood ducks are tended to boost output.

Water Sources For Wapanocca Lake

The shallow, saucer-shaped bottomland forest around Wapanocca Lake, a former Mississippi River oxbow, requires careful management. The lake used to get its water from Big Creek, located north, but rain can only replenish it. Typically, this source’s water is insufficient to flood the neighbouring bottomland hardwoods, which would benefit waterfowl. The lake’s historic productivity for fisheries and waterfowl is being restored by investigating alternative water sources.

Camping At Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge

Camping at Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge allows visitors to get up close and personal with nature. Put up your tent in this haven with breathtaking scenery, and prepare to be enveloped in the splendour of the natural world.

Take in the peaceful ambiance, tune your ears to the calls of the local fauna, and look up at the night sky to spot some stars. In this serene haven, complete relaxation and the formation of enduring recollections are possible thanks to the authorized camping spaces.

Archery At Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge

At Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge, you can experience thrill archery for yourself. Fans of this time honoured activity will be pleased to learn that the refuge features archery ranges where they may hone their abilities while taking in the surrounding natural splendour. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never shot an arrow before or have been doing it for years; the refuge offers a serene and beautiful setting where you may practice your aim and get in touch with nature.

Observation At Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge

The Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge offers adventures to see indigenous fauna. While exploring the refuge’s marshes and woods, you’ll see many avian, animal, and other species. Bring your camera and binoculars to see nature’s stunning details. The refuge’s observation areas and trails allow you to appreciate the refuge’s enormous variety and natural beauty peacefully.

Address: 178 Hammond Ave, Turrell, AR 72384, United States

Phone: +1 870-343-2595

Area: 5,484 acres (22.19 km2)

Established: 1961


  • Mark Tony

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